15% off nematodes and mites. Going until this Friday afternoon. Order now for fresh delivery next week! 15% off nematodes and mites. Going until this Friday afternoon. Order now for fresh delivery next week!



Sil-MATRIX introduces a novel active ingredient—soluble silica—to crop protection. When spray applied, it controls the mites and insects it contacts suppressing their populations. Sil-MATRIX also forms a physical barrier within the leaf cuticle that prevents penetration of fungal diseases, primarily powdery mildew.

Sil-MATRIX label (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX Safety Data Sheet (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX OMRI Certificate (PDF)

Sil-MATRIX Fruit & Vegetable Tech Sheet (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX Industrial Hemp Tech Sheet (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX Info & Data Powerpoint

Silicon as a biocontrol (PDF)

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