Benefits of Mycorrhizae

What is the role of mycorrhizal fungi in crop production?
This symbiotic relationship between fungi and the plant’s roots allow plants to take in more nutrients and water from the soil. Both the plant and fungus benefit from this relationship and neither face any ill effects from this exchange. The mycorrhizal fungi are reimbursed with carbon from the plant, this is a byproduct of photosynthesis, which the fungus is unable to fix on its own. These carbohydrates in the form of lipids in sugar help the fungi grow and reproduce. The mycorrhizal hyphae in turn, extend the root system, greatly enhancing the root’s access to nutrients and water. Storing these essentials for needed moments helps keep crops on a smooth trajectory toward the finish line!
When should I apply mycorrhizae?
Most crop systems benefit greatly from these natural relationships, which to a great degree also help protect plants from drought and other stressors. The critical time to apply mycorrhizal inoculants is as early in the crop cycle as possible. Field growers may water in transplants with soluble powders, other growers will prefer to add to the planting hole at time of transplant. If you have never used mycorrhizae before - this could be a great season to see for yourself, the difference they can make!
Apply during transplant with Big Foot Gold and Big Foot Granular. If you are looking to apply mycorrhizae to existing potted plants or gardens, Big Foot Concentrate and Big Foot Gold can both be mixed with water and applied as a solution.
Mykos Gold Granular can be used in seed beds, under cuttings, blended into potting media or sprinkle onto roots at the time of transplant. This allows for flexibility after a crop is planted. It can be sprayed onto bare roots, used as a root dip, drenched into porous soils, hydromulched, or blended into potting media.
Mykos Wettable Powder can be applied as a solution to established gardens.
What is the shelf life of mycorrhizae?
The shelf life of Big Foot Mycorrhizae has been shown to still be viable after 5 years of correct storage. Here at Sound Horticulture, we keep fresh stock of mycorrhizae and store it responsibly in cool dark storage to ensure viability.

How does mycorrhizae affect the soil?
- Resistance to compaction
- Resistance to erosion (water/wind)
- Better root development
- Higher microbial activity and nutrient cycling
What are the different mycorrhizae products that are offered by Sound Horticulture?

Big Foot Brand
Big Foot Gold Mycorrhizae + Beneficial bacteria
Big Foot Granular (for transplant, must make direct contact with roots)
Big Foot Concentrate (for water in)
Big Foot Root Boost (Azospirillum - nitrogen fixing bacteria)
Mykos Gold
RTI mycorrhizae

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