Aphid Control

Please always review product labels prior to purchase to confirm the product you are purchasing is labeled for the specific pest/disease & crop you are treating.

FOR YOUR FILES: Aphid Management (PDF)

  • Aphids (superfamily Aphidoidea) are small sap-sucking insects that are one of the most destructive insect pests on cultivated plants in temperate regions. They cause distortion of enlarging leaves and shoots and reduce the vigor of plants. As they feed, aphids produce sticky honeydew which drips onto leaves and fruit below. The honeydew is colonized by sooty molds, which reduce the quality of greenhouse vegetables and ornamentals. Some species of aphids also transmit plant viruses.


Always obtain an accurate diagnosis and ensure you are using good cultural and sanitation practices. Local extension offices will generally be able to identify your pest. Additionally, feel free to send us images and we will do our best to assist you.