Russet & Broad Mite Workshop

We are excited to be part of the first of many educational workshops presented by the Washington Sungrowers Industry Association, bringing valuable information directly to Washington’s producers and processors through workshops led by industry experts.

This first workshop is Russets, Broads and Bioscience: The Biology of the Battle, sponsored by Sound Horticulture and Phylos Bioscience. The workshop will focus on strategies for correctly identifying and controlling Russet and Broad Mites and how genetic testing can help be more efficient and identify pest resistance. Russet mites pose the biggest threat to crops and not much is known about how to control this invader. Come and learn from the professionals on the front lines. Get an update from Jeremy Moberg on LCB rulemaking and the new traceability system coming.

Event: Russets, Broads and Bioscience: The Biology of the Battle

Date: May 2nd, 2017

Time: 5:00 to 8:00pm

Location: 12 Tribes Casino

Cost: $40 donation to WSIA, Free to members. Food and a no host bar. (Space is limited. Please RSVP on the WSIA facebook page or contact us at Sound Horticulture to secure your spot.)

Accommodations: Take advantage of the WSIA rates at the hotel by telling the front desk you are attending when booking. Standard king bed rooms are available at 60$ for this event, regularly $109. And no tax.

Russet Mites: Strategies for Prevention and Control
Presented by Alison Kutz of Sound Horticulture

Alison Kutz comes to us with 35 years of experience with biocontrols in nursery and organic production in her own wholesale operations. Working closely with growers, she has been developing pest management strategies that are a combination of natural enemies, biologically based pesticides & cultural management. Together we will unravel the mysteries of proper diagnosis. All aspects of prevention, monitoring, and maintenance from a biological perspective will be addressed.

Cannabis Bioscience: Shaping the Future of Growing

Presented by Ricky Fitts of Phylos Bioscience

Early-stage plant sex testing means less soil used and makes clean soil management a realistic possibility. Early culling of males means less vegetative canopy and easier early-stage pest management. The future of Genetic testing in Cannabis points to a horizon of exploring plant allele interactions and pest resistance.

Update on LCB Workgroups & Rulemaking

by Jeremy Moberg

As CEO of Cannasol Farms and President of the Washington Sungrowers Industry Association (WSIA), Jeremy Moberg is an outspoken champion for sustainable, organic methods to be integrated into cannabis policy. Jeremy has a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Evergreen State College, and worked as a field researcher and environmental advocate in the Ecology and Fisheries Science profession for decades. From the beginning of legalization, he has been an advocate for sustainable, organic farming methods to provide clean, safe, pesticide-free cannabis to the regulated market.  His long history as a Heritage grower and his extensive knowledge in botany, chemistry, and organic farming, coupled with his ability to articulate the complex issues this industry faces, has made him a leading resource on natural sungrown cannabis and pesticide related topics.

View the full agenda and RSVP.


5:00pm | Introduction by Jamie Curtismith

5:15pm | Update on LCB workgroups and rulemaking by Jeremy Moberg

6:00pm | Russet Mites: Strategies for Prevention and Control, presented by Sound Horticulture

7:00pm | Cannabis Bioscience: Shaping the Future of Growing, presented by Phylos Bioscience

8:00pm | Closing message

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