Larvae Rate: 1-5 larvae/sq. ft. weekly or as needed.
Adult rate: divide larvae rate by four
Egg rate: multiply larvae rate by five.
Many species of adult lacewings do not kill pest insects; they actually subsist on foods such as nectar, pollen and honeydew. It is their predacious offspring that get the job done as a natural enemy. In general, they attack the eggs and the immature stages of most soft-bodied pests. Lacewing larvae are also known as aphid lions. They are tiny upon emerging from the egg, but grow to 3/8 of an inch long.
If release is not possible nearly immediately upon arrival of the lacewing eggs, because of weather conditions, for example, the eggs can be stored at no lower than 50°F (10°C) for up to 48 hours. To minimize egg mortality, humidity should be approximately 75%. Warmer temperatures will speed up larval emergence, but the eggs should not be held at more than 80°F (26°C).
When targeting caterpillars, lacewing used in conjunction with Trichogramma wasps (see Caterpillar Control) can be very effective. Since Trichogramma attack only the egg stage, the lacewing offers a second line of defense; it feeds on eggs and young caterpillars.