

Targets: Botrytis, anthracnose, mummy berry and more.
Active Ingredient: Reynoutria sachalinensis

Regalia® CG biofungicide controls bacterial and fungal diseases on many species of turf and ornamentals. Regalia is rainfast in 1 hour so you can get important sprays out even in tough weather. Regalia strengthens plant immune systems. Use it early for disease prevention and overall plant health, in the middle of the season for disease control and worker safety and late in the season to avoid issues of pesticide residues at harvest. 

  • Healthier plants for better yield and harvest quality
  • Quality control tested to ensure no human microbial pathogens
  • Natural ingredients stimulate plant immunity and fight diseases
  • OR, WA, CO and NV approved for medicinal plants pesticides listing.

Regalia Product Label 
Regalia Safety Data Sheet
Regalia OMRI Organic Certificate
Regalia WSDA Organic Certificate (PDF)

Regalia Technical Bulletin (PDF)
Regalia Product Brochure (PDF)
Marrone Products Small Tank Mix Guide (PDF)
Marrone Cannabis IPM Program (PDF)