Beneficial nematodes come in two forms. Sponges that are pre-inoculated with infective juveniles in quantities of 1 million, 6 million and 24 million. Generally, in a greenhouse setting, apply these beneficial nematodes at a rate of 1 million per 1,000 sq. ft. The sponge product has a completely unique application rate as the bacterial level is much higher because they are produced in vivo.
Trays that contain 50 million or 250 million. Release every 2-3 weeks at a rate of 50 million/1100 sq. ft. or every 4-6 weeks at a rate of 50 million/550 sq. ft. Use 30-50 gallons of water/1000 sq. ft. for applications onto soil or growing media. For prevention, apply seasonally, for active infestations, weekly or monthly applications are best.