Currently all beneficial insect orders will not ship out until the week of Jan 6th. HOLIDAY SHIPPING. Currently all beneficial insect orders will not ship out until the week of Jan 6th. Everything else ships as normal. Call for special orders.



Sil-MATRIX introduces a novel active ingredient—soluble silica—to crop protection. When spray applied, it controls the mites and insects it contacts suppressing their populations. Sil-MATRIX also forms a physical barrier within the leaf cuticle that prevents penetration of fungal diseases, primarily powdery mildew.

Sil-MATRIX label (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX Safety Data Sheet (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX OMRI Certificate (PDF)

Sil-MATRIX Fruit & Vegetable Tech Sheet (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX Industrial Hemp Tech Sheet (PDF)
Sil-MATRIX Info & Data Powerpoint

Silicon as a biocontrol (PDF)