- Amblyseius swirskii is a predatory mite native to the coastal regions of the Middle East and North Africa. It has 8 legs on a 0.5mm pear shaped body that varies in color from tan, light yellow, or even dark red to purple depending on the type of prey they are consuming. This natural enemy can survive on pollen in the absence of prey.
- This biological control agent is an ideal product to be used in crops that are grown under protection in warm conditions, such as peppers, cucumbers, gerbera and aubergine. It is well adapted to warm temperatures. It prefers mainly young stages of whitefly and thrips and consumes about 5-10 prey per day. It will also consumer most species of pest mite and can survive on pollen in periods of low prey availability.
- In warm and humid conditions swirskii can reproduce quite rapidly -at 25 °C (77 F), the entire cycle from egg to adult can take less than 7 days. The mites go through three immature stages: larva, protonymph, and deutonymph, before becoming adults. All mobile stages are predatory.
- 12-20 per sq ft, biweekly or as needed.
Sachets: Make sure the crop and floor are dry when applying to avoid moisture entering the sachet packaging. Do not hang adjacent to heating pipes or where exposed to direct sunlight. Mites emerge for 3-6 weeks.
Loose on vermiculite: Do not expose to direct sunlight or allow to overheat at any time. Immediately before opening, gently rotate the container to distribute mites evenly throughout the carrier material. Continue rotating during application, keeping material mixed. These natural predators are perfect in IPM programs.
Use within 18 hours of receipt.
Keep out of direct sunlight.
Do not refrigerate.
For loose material, keep horizontal until use.
Transport and store at >59°F and at >65% humidity. A natural and sustainable option for pest control that is chemical free.