Amblydromalus limonicus - Predatory Mite


TARGET PEST: Thrips, whitefly, spider mites 

  • Amblydromalus limonicus is a generalist predatory mite that feeds on whitefly, thrips, other small insects and mites. It also feeds on pollen, allowing this biocontrol agent to establish in a crop before the pest appears. 
  • Amblydromalus limonicus is most effective between temperatures of 55 to 77F and high humidity. It is not active above 86F. They actively search for food on the underside of leaves and their color can vary according to their diet. Apply with Stratiolaelaps to control thrips pupae in the growth media. 
  • The life cycle goes through the stages of egg, larva, nymph and adult. Eggs are oval, white and approximately 0.14mm in diameter. The larvae have 6 legs and are the same color as the eggs. The nymphs have 8 legs and are a yellow/white color. Adults have 8 legs, are translucent white with a flat, elongated body and are roughly 0.4mm in length. 
  • 5 to 25 mites per sq. foot depending on pest severity. 

  • Do not expose to direct sunlight or allow to overheat at any time. Immediately before opening, gently rotate the container to distribute mites evenly throughout the carrier material. Continue rotating during application, keeping material mixed.

  • Use within 18 hours of receipt. Keep out of direct sunlight. Do not refrigerate. For loose material, keep horizontal until use. Transport and store at 50-59° F and at >65% humidity.

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Orders for Amblydromalus limonicus  must be received by noon (Pacific Time) on Friday for shipment the following week (see specific items for exceptions).  If the deadline is past, please call us and we will help you find a solution ASAP. (360) 656-6680

See order deadlines and shipping information.

Learn about release instructions for beneficial insects.