Amblyseius andersoni is a predatory mite that feeds on numerous species of mites. Their polyphagous nature allows them to feed on thrips, pollen, fungi, and honeydew in the absence of their prey.
Target Pest
A wide range of pest mite species including broad mites, russet mites, cyclamen mites, European red mites, two-spotted spider mites and gall mites.
Life Cycle
Female mites lay eggs and 2-3 days later the larvae emerge. A. andersoni mites feed on all life stages of pests (egg, juvenile and adult). They undergo 2 nymphal stages (protonymph and deutonymph) prior to adulthood.
Predators may diapause in response to temperature drops and diminishing light in late summer or fall, however, they can survive winter conditions and reemerge under increased ambient temperatures in the spring.

Use in Biological Control
Amblyseius andersoni remain active under a wide temperature range (43-104°F) making them suitable for early season introductions as well as very hot conditions. They are best used as a preventative measure when pest populations are low.
Monitoring Tips
Use a 10-15x hand lens to inspect for mites, which are most often found along veins on the underside of the of leaves or inside mature flowers.
Product Information
Amblyseius andersoni is available in various forms to suit your specific crop needs.
1) 1 liter bottles contain 25,000 mites on vermiculite. 5 liter bags contain 125,000 mites on vermiculite. Recommended rates for loose material is approximately 2 - 3 A. andersoni per 10 sq. ft. Keep containers horizontal and cool until use. Before opening, gently rotate the bottle or bag to evenly distribute mites throughout the material.
2) Sachets come in boxes of 250 with hooks provided for easy hanging within foliage. Approximately 250 mites are released from each sachet-breeding colony over a 6+ week period. Rates include 1 sachet per tree or 1 sachet per 6.5 -13 feet of crop row. Water resistant Gemini sachets can tolerate overhead irrigation. Do not hang next to heat pipes and keep sachets away from intense direct sunlight. Please specify whether CRS or Gemini sachets are needed.
3) Mini sachets come in boxes of 200 or 1,000. Each sachet contains 125 mites and releases them over 6+ weeks. Minis are best suited in situations where plant foliage is not expected to grow together contiguously.
4) Continuous sachets reduce application labor and work well with overhead irrigation. Strips can be placed on top of support wiring, for example. Each 6 x 328 ft. strip contains 125,000 mites.
Do not refrigerate. Use product within 18 hours of receipt.