

Targets: Botrytis, powdery mildew, Sclerotinia, bacterial diseases

  • Cease targets common fungal diseases such as Botrytis, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose, Didymella bryoniae (Gummy Stem Blight) and several leaf spot diseases such as Alternaria and Entomosporium. CEASE also controls bacterial diseases such as Pseudomonas, Erwinia, and Xanthomonas spp., as well as the soil diseases Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium and  Phytophthora.

    CEASE is a contact biological fungicide that contains a patented strain of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis which works in two ways. First, the bacterial spores occupy space on the plant surface and compete with the pathogens; then active compounds called lipopeptides produced by each bacterium disrupt the germination and growth of invading pathogens. Due to this action, resistance is not likely to develop. CEASE can be used in combination with and/or in rotation with other products and as part of an effective resistance management program.

    One of the big advantages of CEASE is its safety. This biofungicide is exempt from residue tolerances in food crops, has a Zero-day pre-harvest Interval, and a 4 hour REI; it requires no special WPS requirements. CEASE is NOP Approved for organic production. Experience has shown CEASE to be safe on sensitive foliage and open blooms. However, if tank-mixed, tests must be carried out to prove that the mixture is as safe as CEASE alone. Do not mix with products containing the fungicide Beauveria bassiana.

    CEASE can be affected by rain or overhead irrigation as it is not rain-fast and contains no surfactant; to avoid this problem, apply with a spreader sticker or adjuvant like Therm-X 70. CEASE may be used anywhere plants are grown, from residential to interior to field locations. Labeled crops include ornamentals, trees, shrubs, flowers, bedding plants, tropical plants, seedlings, conifers, and greenhouse vegetables.

    Performs as well as copper-based products
    No phytotoxicity or residues on plant foliage or flowers
    Safe when used with growth regulators
    Safe for beneficial insects and bees
    4-hour REI / 0-day pre-harvest interval
  • Cease Product label 
    Cease Safety Data Sheet
    Cease OMRI Certificate

    Tank Mixing: Cease & Milstop (PDF)