Sound Horticulture Bug Blog

Anystis, No Ordinary Mite

Anystis, No Ordinary Mite
One Mite to rule them all, One Mite to find them, One Mite to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. Just like the One Ring of Lord of the Rings fame, Anystis baccarum, has the potential to become a powerful tool for growers everywhere.  Continue reading

Cannatank 420 this week!

The event runs from March 30-31, 2018, in Spokane, WA. Catch Alison's talk on Friday morning from 10-10:45am and on Saturday from 1-1:45pm!


Dialing the Biological  Clock:

Tuning and Timing of Biological Control Programs for Cannabis
In this presentation Alison will highlight program BMP's for scouting, monitoring, preventing and controlling our most pervasive pests in Cannabis: hemp russet mites, broad mites, spider mites, thrips and now also the cannabis aphid. From basics to fine tuning, we'll dissect the challenges in biological programs. We'll discuss how best to nail the timing of your applications of both microbial products as well as predators, parasitic wasps and beneficial nematodes. Click here for more info on Alison's sessions.
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