Sound Horticulture Bug Blog

Black Vine Weevil

Black Vine Weevil
Are you growing wine grapes, hops, Camellia or rhododendron and notice now, or last season, notching on leaf margins? Feeding damage of buds and flowers? It could be the insect pest, Black Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) which is spread across the United States and feeds on over 200 plant species. Other susceptible plants include yew, hemlock, begonia, cyclamen, fuchsia, impatiens, primrose, epimedium, bergenia and sedum. Continue reading

Anystis, No Ordinary Mite

Anystis, No Ordinary Mite
One Mite to rule them all, One Mite to find them, One Mite to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. Just like the One Ring of Lord of the Rings fame, Anystis baccarum, has the potential to become a powerful tool for growers everywhere.  Continue reading

Pest Control Workshop for Cannabis Farmers

The Cannabis Farmers Council is hosting a panel discussion on The Management of Russet Mites and Other Pests on May 18, 2017 in Spokane, WA. This presentation will have an emphasis on Broad & Russet mite control. These pests have emerged as two of the most problematic pests for cannabis farmers with bad outbreaks occurring around the state. Speakers include our own Alison Kutz, as well as Scott Nielson and Casey Connell.

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Website Upgrade allows Bugs Online!

Website Upgrade allows Bugs Online!
This has been a long time in the waiting but... if you prefer online shopping, we are now ready for you to give it a whirl. We still want to hear from you if you have any questions, and to support you in any way. Our team of experienced technical biocontrol experts is expanding cautiously as we dip our toes gingerly into the online realm (!) The most important consideration for us is never letting the quality of what we do, or what live creatures we ship to you slip! Your comments and suggestions are welcome! Continue reading