Sound Horticulture Bug Blog

Cultivating Commercial Cannabis event

Cultivating Commercial Cannabis event
We are hosting an educational event for Washington cannabis growers in order to provide up-to-date information about an array of grower-specific topics. We are raising the bar in providing Washington state pesticide handler recertification credits and 5 credits are available for full day attendance.  High caliber, practical presentations as well as a catered lunch is provided. Only 40 seats available. Please join us! Reserve your tickets here while they last. (click here for more details.) Continue reading

Pest Control Workshop for Cannabis Farmers

The Cannabis Farmers Council is hosting a panel discussion on The Management of Russet Mites and Other Pests on May 18, 2017 in Spokane, WA. This presentation will have an emphasis on Broad & Russet mite control. These pests have emerged as two of the most problematic pests for cannabis farmers with bad outbreaks occurring around the state. Speakers include our own Alison Kutz, as well as Scott Nielson and Casey Connell.

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